最後更新日期:2024年07月13日 如果你發現你的 Windows 10 或 Windows 11 系統或遊戲效能變差,但找不出具體原因,那有可能是因為「記憶體完整性(Memory Integrity)」與「虛擬機器平台(Virtual Machine Platform)」這兩項設定所影響。 本篇文章會教你如何關閉記憶體完整性(核心隔離)與虛擬機器平台(VMP)這兩項設定...
Windows 11 Enterprise 22H2, ARM64 Surface Pro X (SQ1) w/16GB RAM Virtual Machine Platform and Hyper-V enabled (I can disable Hyper-V and just leave Virtual Machine Platform and it still dosen't work) Microsoft Store: 22204.1400.4.0 Local: United States I should be able to install "Amazo...
(1) 启用“适用于linux的Windows子系统”可选功能:dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart (2) 启用“虚拟机平台”可选组件:dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart (PS:本教程为纯文字版,使用简单、逻辑...
In addition, Windows 11 features improvements in the widget, snap layout, and tablet mode. The Microsoft Store has also been revamped with more significant icons and a prettier interface. The new store will give developers more opportunities to capitalize on this new platform. Except for traditiona...
[PASS] DD0022: is the Virtual Machine Platform Windows Feature enabled? [FAIL] DD0025: are WSL distros installed? WSL Distribution docker-desktop is missing [PASS] DD0026: is the WSL LxssManager service running? [FAIL] DD0029: is the WSL 2 Linux filesystem corrupt? exit status 0xffffffff...
The target platform determines which of the three function table entry format variations described below is used. For 32-bit MIPS images, function table entries have the following format: Expand table OffsetSizeFieldDescription 0 4 Begin Address The VA of the corresponding function. 4 4 End ...
desired_caps={'platformName':'iOS','platformVersion':'14.5','deviceName':'iPhone 12','app':os.path.abspath('YourApp.app')}driver=webdriver.Remote('http://localhost:4723/wd/hub',desired_caps)# 在虚拟机上执行一些操作element=driver.find_element_by_name('Button')element.click()# 关闭虚拟机...
A set of Microsoft open-source libraries, frameworks, components, and tools to be used in apps to access Windows platform functionality on many versions of Windows. Previously known as Project Reunion. 823 questions Windows API - Win32
之前说开启wsl2之后vmware和virtualbox不能开启嵌套虚拟化,这时候我们可以通过hyper-v开启嵌套虚拟化。 需要打开hyper-v,并创建虚拟机。 我们这里创建了名为hyper-debian10的虚拟机。 PS C:\Users\sunshe35>get-vm Name State CPUUsage(%)MemoryAssigned(M)Uptime Status Version ...
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart 下载并安装升级包 https://wslstorestorage.blob.core.windows.net/wslblob/wsl_update_x64.msi 将系统修改为wsl2 wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 2 最后确认一下版本: ...