I also don't have access to another Win10 machine to download the media creation tool anyway - won't work with my old (but working!) Vista machine. So, help! Suggestions/solutions very much appreciated. Thanks! Tags: Envy DV7-7243 Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) View All (2) I h...
In case anyone doens't want to muck about with their registry, here are the settings that should be in that key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Docker for Windows] "DisplayIcon"="C:\\Program Files\\Docker\\Docker\\Docker for Windows Installer.exe" "...
Seems like it might be a driver issue, although I haven't ruled out hardware entirely... The system was pretty solid until this issue popped up. Also I noticed that watching videos or leaving the pc idle won't... BSOD during lots of HDD activityin BSOD Help and Support Was gettin...
I changed the above setting in my device manager hoping to fix an annoying stutter problem caused with media player when my wireless signal would go out of range. I remembered changing the irq settings in win2k to solve conflicts on that system, but found that the options is not available ...