To remove app packages (.appx) that are not provisioned or to remove a package for a particular user only, use Remove-AppxPackage instead.) @echo === @echo 1.Uninstall OneDrive @echo Uninstall OneDrive for win11 @echo --- %SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall /q %SYSTEMROOT%...
删除资源管理器导航栏OneDrive 1.0 Win10资源管理器的左侧导航栏默认有一个OneDrive的项,但由于微软龟速的原因,OneDrive在国内基本很少有人使用,我们动手给它KO了! 网上有很多这类的教程,但都是要手动修改注册表,对于小白来说,有点难度,我们提供个一键的。 先来看看默认情况下: 已经删除的情况下: 下载后解压到桌面...
<c>onedrive 'OneDrive(微软云盘)'</c> <c>securitycenter '安全中心'</c> </RemoveComponents> ...
使用powershell进行卸载,以管理员方式打开powershell,输入以下命令,找到这个应用,星号为通配符: Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.OneDriveSync* 找到之后再在上条命令加上| Remove-AppxPackage,卸载这个UWP应用: Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.OneDriveSync* | Remove-AppxPackage 问题二、封装搜狗输入法或者WinRAR等某些软件报错 ...
1.卸载自带的app: Get-AppXPackage | Remove-AppxPackage 2.卸载onedrive: 运行输入 %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\ ,查看版本号,一般是一串数值的形式。运行CMD命令,输入%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(刚才查看到的那个版本号)\OneDriveSetup /uninstall,这个命令可以卸载掉大多的onedrive程序...
3.1Pause Syncing to Fix Error Code 0x80071129 in OneDrive 3.2Stop the Folder From Syncing 3.3Restore the Original File Version 3.4Remove Password Protection 3.5Tweak OneDrive System Tray Advanced Settings 3.6Reset Microsoft OneDrive UWP App 3.7Reset OneDrive System Tray App ...
资源管理器删 onedrive HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6},在右边双击System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree这个键,将System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree中的值从1改为0 删Microsoft Store、人脉等自带内置应用[2] 进入powershell管理员 ...
File History Not Backing Up Files in OneDrive Folder: Goal: Create a backup of all of my Documents onto an external hard drive.I've had some problems with OneDrive missing or overwriting revisions of Word and Excel documents I work with on my laptop. I am the only one who works on thes...
Remove OneDrive: completely removes OneDrive from the System, re-install is possible via Win Store; Remove Xbox: wipe Xbox Apps, disable Services related to Xbox and GameBar/GameDVR; This section contains options to restore the system apps, by downloading them from theMS Store(mostly) and doing...
还有哦!有时候在第三方软件的打开文件或者保存等这样的窗口下还是会出现这几个图标。具体怎么操作看原作者的内容吧! 三、隐藏Onedrive 因为国产的网盘应用已经足够了,所以onedrive就没有用处了。但是windows官网说这个应用是built...