New installation Win 11 Pro and RDP Hi All,Today I installed a copy of Win 11 Pro on a new SSD in my PC. I used my Microsoft account as the log in also I'm admin.Post instillation, I ran windows update.I next enabled Remote desktop and network discovery.I have attempted to remote...
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I sometime need to open a second vpn connection If you need to open a second VPN connection, you need to create an additional DCO adapter. You should have a shortcut in your Start menu Add a new dco-win virtual network adapter. I have the same issue but unfotuna...
[]; uint32 IPXMediaType; string IPXNetworkNumber[]; string IPXVirtualNetNumber; uint32 KeepAliveInterval; uint32 KeepAliveTime; string MACAddress; uint32 MTU; uint32 NumForwardPackets; boolean PMTUBHDetectEnabled; boolean PMTUDiscoveryEnabled; string ServiceName; uint32 TcpipNetbiosOptions; uint...
NetworkOperators Windows.Networking.Proximity Windows.Networking.PushNotifications Windows.Networking.ServiceDiscovery.Dnssd Windows.Networking.Sockets Windows.Networking.Vpn Windows.Networking.XboxLive Windows.Perception Windows.Perception.Automation.Core Windows.Perception.Automation.Monitoring Windows.Perception.People ...
Possible ATP on my network and hardware. PC Win 11, iPhone iOS and router - posted in Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal Help: Hello good people of Bleeping Computer. I am under the strong suspicion that my whole network is compromised by an adv
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration 類別的 SetTcpMax 連線 Retransmissions 方法 發行項 2023/11/10 6 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 語法 參數 傳回值 備註 顯示其他 2 個 SetTcpMax 連線 RetransmissionsWMI 類別靜態方法可用來設定 TCP 在中止之前將重新傳輸連線要求嘗試次數。...
Spent some time looking at registry entries to no avail until discovery of the recall issue. & fix Dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:"Recall" Dism /online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"Recall" After the fix there are 2 new registry entries HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\...
SetPMTUDiscoveryWMI 類別靜態方法可用來在遠端主機的路徑上啟用最大傳輸單位 (MTU) 探索。本主題使用Managed物件格式 (MOF) 語法。 如需使用此方法的詳細資訊,請參閱 呼叫方法。語法受控物件格式 複製 uint32 SetPMTUDiscovery( [in] boolean PMTUDiscoveryEnabled ); ...
Cart0 items in shopping cart WinOfensive MCNEXT Family & kids EVERYONE Inspired from pacman, enter this small casual game and help winO collect all the seeds. This game add new game design concepts to the original concept ...