honestly, I use Windows OS because Apple seems to lock down and prevent access to many things to "protect the user" and it appears Microsoft is getting a little outta control with it as well. just let us have admin access to everything if we create an admin account. It's not t...
). I I googled to see if there was any explanation out there and tried many different things. I managed to open cmd/shell as an admin, I ran a SFC and a DISM scan (nothing wrong was found). I coudn't even try to open troubleshooter because there was an error (F...
As a non-admin user:* Win-X -> Windows terminal (admin)* Enter another credential that is local admin in the UAC popup * Blue error message:*
openstack@'s password:Welcome to Ubuntu14.04.5LTS (GNU/Linux4.4.0-31-generic x86_64)* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/System information as of Tue Jan1500:56:14CST2019System load:0.11Processes:100Usage of/:0.6% of193.78GB Users loggedin:0Memory usage:2% IP addressforet...
AS_NON_PACKAGED_SERVICE 0x80073D27套件安裝失敗,因為服務版本存在於 .msix/.appx 套件之外。 請連絡您的軟體廠商。 ERROR_PACKAGED_SERVICE_ REQUIRES_ADMIN_PRIVILEGES 0x80073D28套件安裝失敗,因為需要系統管理員許可權。 請連絡系統管理員以安裝此套件。
open and close it hover over the windows icon Expected behavior hover animation and gray box should reappear Open-Shell version 4.4.191 Windows version windows 11 pro 22H2 Additional context No response oriagranat9 added the Bug label Aug 23, 2023 ge0rdi added the Windows 11 label Aug 24...
It might pay to also do a clean disk before reinstalling the OS as well - to do this boot off the USB Media / ISO image at the language selection screen press shift + F10 which will open the command prompt run diskpart and select the disk followed by clean - which w...
HRESULTAddPolicyAdministrator( [in] BSTR bstrAdmin, [in, optional] VARIANT varReserved ); 參數 [in] bstrAdmin 要新增至原則管理員清單的 SID 文字格式。 [in, optional] varReserved 保留供未來使用。 傳回值 如果方法成功,則會傳回S_OK。 任何其他HRESULT值都表示作業失敗。
NetSparkle.Samples.Avalonia.MacOS- Basic Avalonia sample on macOS that shows how to open an update as admin NetSparkle.Samples.Avalonia.MacOSZip- Avalonia sample for macOS that downloads and extracts a zip file update and then starts the app ...