运行可能会报错,手动下载相应的docker-compose文件,上传到服务器的 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 目录 执行docker-compose -v 测试是否安装成功 先介绍下Dockerfile,docker容器,docker-compose之间的关系 Dockerfile用于构建镜像,镜像用于创建容器(虚拟机),docker-compose用于配置容器启动命令。 先有镜像再有容器,一个...
For some seconds: "Docker Engine Initializating", then docker check for user allow to config, i click yes, but after some seconds appear "Docker Engine Stopped" and then show a error message saying to try use wsl -shutdown, that dont solved of course. After 6 hours debugging, I tryied...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于win Docker Engine stopped什么问题的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及win Docker Engine stopped什么问题问答内容。更多win Docker Engine stopped什么问题相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现
在解决stopped问题的过程中看的这个帖子中,我忽略了虚拟机需要开启虚拟化。 我天真的以为虚拟机不需要开启虚拟化,,,[泪目&哭笑不得] 于是给虚拟机开启虚拟化 关闭虚拟机,在虚拟机设置中勾选以上两个选项后启动虚拟机。 服务中确保Docker Desktop Servie已开启,然后再次启动Docker 启动成功!!! !!! 最后认识一下...
Install Docker Desktop on a machine running Windows 11. Launch Docker Desktop from the desktop shortcut or the Start menu. Observe the Docker Desktop UI attempting to start the Docker Engine. Notice that the Docker Engine fails to start and remains in a stopped state. ...
docker ps -a request returned Internal Server ErrorforAPI route and version http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/json?all=1, checkifthe server supports the requested API version * [request returned Internal Server Error for API route and version http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2F...
如果Docker的下载有问题,请自搜索Docker国内镜像并参照相关的教程进行配置处理。 AutoBangumi的部署 新建文件夹,命名为:AutoBangumi。打开此文件夹,新建TXT文本文件,复制以下代码 version:"3.9"services:ab:image:estrellaxd/auto_bangumi:latest container_name:ab ...
Now, 10 minutes later, they seem to have stopped being thrown (of course, all I have done in those 10 minutes is edit this post and look at Event viewer). I'm going toRun a deep scan by Norton If that still leaves the admin account crippled, then call MS Assure and ask how I ...
Now, 10 minutes later, they seem to have stopped being thrown (of course, all I have done in those 10 minutes is edit this post and look at Event viewer). I'm going toRun a deep scan by Norton If that still leaves the admin account crippled, then call MS Assure and ask how I ...
然后看到下图界面就说明Docker Desktop启动成功了。在Docker Engine中设置镜像拉取的路径(设置方法可以参考Docker在Window10系统上Docker Engine的配置)。 配置Docker Engine 7.下面试着拉取一个Deepl翻译引擎的镜像,命令:docker pull kanikig/deepl-bk。 8.最后建议不要装最新版本的Docker Desktop,目前最新版是Docker ...