命令2 参考链接:https://softwarekeep.com/blogs/how-to/how-to-change-or-disable-the-lock-screen-timeout-on-windows-10
9、HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinlogonquotDisableLockWorkstationquot = dword000000000 启用快捷键1 禁用快捷键这样就可以了,一般这种情况是Win+L快捷键被禁用了。10、win10系统最下面一排任务栏没反应的解决办法 方法一第一步在win10电脑下,同埋按下ctrl+alt+de...
DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators ESC 鍵 F21 ForceOffAccessibility LaunchApp1 LaunchApp2 LaunchMail LaunchMediaSelect LeftShiftLeftAltNumLock LeftShiftLeftAltPrintScreen MediaNext MediaPlayPause MediaPrev MediaStop Shift 鍵 ShiftControlEscape ShiftWin VolumeDown VolumeMute VolumeUp Win...
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v DisableLockWorkstation /d 0 /t REG_DWORD /f reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\SessionData" /v AllowLockScreen reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Wi...
An HTML element inside the WebView may enter fullscreen to the size of the WebView or leave fullscreen. This event is useful when, for example, a video element requests to go fullscreen. The listener of ContainsFullScreenElementChanged may resize the WebView in response....
SPI_SETDISABLEOVERLAPPEDCONTENT 0x1041 打开或关闭重叠内容 (,例如背景图像和水印) 。 pvParam 参数是 BOOL 变量。 将 pvParam 设置为 TRUE 可禁用重叠内容,将 FALSE 设置为启用重叠内容。 背景图像、纹理背景、文档上的水印、alpha 混合和透明度等显示功能会降低前景和背景之间的对比度,使视力不佳的用户更难...
Fix for WinGet being broken on Windows 11 (empty output, console turns blue) It's a generic issue with WinGet on Win11. See this issue for solutions:microsoft/winget-cli#3832 Disable the back buttons The back buttons will cause keypress, when they are accidently pressed. The device is call...
Article 11/17/2021 Feedback All Win32 error codes MUST be in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, although Win32 error codes can be used both in 16-bit fields (such as within the HRESULT type specified in section 2.1) as well as 32-bit fields. Most values also have a default message def...
https://github.com/xairy/unlockdown unlockdown This repo demonstrates some ways to disable or bypass kernel lockdown on Ubuntu (and some other) kernels without physical access to the machine, essentially bypassing this security feature. (Updated 21.03.2020.) At this point, all proposed bypass ...