自己挖空心思费了九牛二虎之力,问题终于找到并解决了,原来是Bios里面设置了“实时时钟唤醒”,没想到这系统竟然默认每天8:10定时开机(我的系统是官网下载的镜像安装的,其他人如果从网上下载安装的win10系统如果也遇到同样问题的话可以参考)。解决步骤如下:进入BIOSSETTINGS(功能设置)-Advanced(高级)-Wake Up Event Set...
[ SETTINGS ] → [ Advanced ] → [ Power Management Setting ] → [ ErP Ready ] → [ Disable ]. [ SETTINGS ] → [ Advanced ] → [ Wake-up event settings ] → [ Resume By PCI-E Device ] → [ Enable ] 把Resume By PCI-E Device 设置为Enable的作用是电脑关机后,只要不拔掉电源线,...
Folder display: Settings / Download/ Network / Personal Taskbar Small button: ON REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /V TaskbarSmallIcons /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F double row of taskbar (drag it up, so it show dates) ...
主板BIOS中需要在电源管理中找到wake up on lan或者wake up by PME, PCIE等选项打开就行了,我这个不具备普遍性就不上图误导大家了。不知不觉已经写到11篇了,本以为WIN10应是最好实现的一种方式,但是入门容易很多必要的设置还是要折腾的,我从劳动节到现在这台机器几乎是一直开机的状态,没有明显的降速,看电视,...
3、Settings Advanced Integrated Peripherals 下,将SATA Mode硬盘模式更改为AHCI Mode模式,要不然可能会出现进入PE找不到硬盘或安装Win7蓝屏问题 4、同上一级菜单中,唤醒事件 wake up event ,我个人倾向于选操作系统,而不是 BIOS。 5、启动顺序一般设置为UEFI u盘启动,硬盘第二。即可保存。重启,按F11,U盘启动项(...
win10 turn on/off usb device selective suspend Keyboard or mouse not working after your PC wake up from sleep? When you’re charging your phone through an USB port, putting your PC into sleep mode will turn off the power to USB ports, and your phone will stop charging. In this ...
here comes a BSOD issue "Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!KeAccumulateTicks+1cbfdd)" for WIN10.could you please kindly advise what's the root-cause and how to solve it? thanks in advance.please let me know what kind of information you still need to know....
The hiberfil.sys is a big hidden system file (4-6 GB) where many settings are saved for a faster startup. That also means that the system never shuts down and restarts from the last settings.It was introduced to accelerate the startup process for HDDs. It is not needed fo...
I updated my ASUS A46C to Windows 10. I had a precision touchpad before and now I can't use it. I looked up to the settings but there was no option for precision touchpad on my laptop. It's just disturbing because my old precision touchpad helped me a lot and felt more practical th...