win10系统的戴尔..win10系统的戴尔电脑开机突然出现support assist,点击修复后无问题。后面在这个软件里重装系统完成后,再重启后出现下图这个画面,还是无法正常启动,请教大家怎么解决,谢谢大家,比较急!
10.Alienware Customer Connect Service(向戴尔提供反馈)---控制面板-程序-Alienware Customer Connect(可以先留着)11.Alienware Digital Delivery Service(在电脑商店下载和安装应用时用到的服务)---控制面板-程序-Alienware Digital Delivery(可以先留着)注意:以下服务可能跟dell的support assist(dell维护应用程序)有关,...
step 1:制作U盘启动器 1. 参考以下文章,下载Dell OS Recovery Tool,制作win10启动盘 如何创建和使用戴尔Windows恢复映像 2. 在官网下载Ubuntu镜像,利用Ubuntu自带的启动盘创建器制作Ubuntu启动盘 Download Ubuntu Desktop P.S. 下载Ubuntu 下载的Ubuntu16.04无法安装,kylin可以正常安装。 step 2:修改BIOS设置 重启电脑...
SP6补丁下载: 关于打补丁的一点说明: 微软帮助和支持中心: VS6.0 SP6补丁的说明: --- 引用一段: Service Pack 是 Micro...
01-12-2025 10:55 AM Hello im searching about Hotkey service because the HP Programmable Key won't work without it Im using win 11 24H2 I did'nt find the link to download in driver page for my product my laptop is :HP Envy Laptop 16-h1053dx...
support assist就是个影响操作和自己修的大垃圾。所以为啥要用power manager还好。它好歹能调风扇启动的时间和灵敏度 lhover_cn1 初级粉丝 1 1,关键是卸载的时候报错 2,卸的时候也蓝屏 lhover_cn1 初级粉丝 1 winnietommy 初级粉丝 1 最后才发现是这个dell support assiast的问题,卸载就完美解决了~~查了...
Solved: Hi, I tried to install the WiFi-22.230.0-Driver64-Win10-Win11 through the intel driver and support assistant. During installation a
1- Download the latest driver update .exe file from this link and save the file on the computer: Intel® Graphics - Windows® 10 DCH Driver Version: 2- Disconnect from the internet to make sure the driver will not be automatically updated by Windows. 3- Right-clic...
Disable automatic updates:prevents automatic download and installation of Windows and Store apps updates. Take note thatautomatic Windows Updates cannot be disabled on Windows 10 Home. Disable Windows Error Reporting (WER): thanks to this, Windows will no longer "check for a solution to the problem...
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