1、封装母盘为win10专业版22H2; 2、关闭WindowsDefender防火墙,未精简可开启; 3、默认关闭Windows Update自动更新,可开启正常更新; 4、修复大量以往的BUG,已经非常稳定; 5、应用商店正常访问; Win10 Pro专业版系统特点: 1、完美优化各方面:注册表、启动项、任务计划程序、启动服务项、磁盘读取效率、CPU占用、内存占...
Win 10 Home 64/bit want to Upgrade to Win 10 Pro 64/bit. Is there a free upgrade for students or key holders of Win7Pro or Win10 Home to Win10 Pro? 2) Desktop: Win 7 Pro 64/bit & Win 10 Pro 64/bit. Retaining Win 7 until a few more bugs are fixed in Win 10. I know ...
1、Windows 10 Build 10586中任何音频播放(例如来自Groove的音乐、来自Movies&TV应用的视频)在Action Center有信息弹出的时候音量会减少75%。 2、在Surface Pro 3 按击电源键能够进行睡眠状态,而不是此前一样直接关机。 3、根据Windows Insider成员的反馈我们修复了系统闲置后闪出disksnapshot.exe命令提示窗口的问题...
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Free Download Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 Secure Download Step 1. Open EaseUS Todo Backup and choose "Create Backup" on the home page, click "Select backup contents". Step 2. As you want to back up your Disk, just click "Disk" to start back up. Step 3. EaseUS Todo Backup offers ...
When mounting an ISO file, you’ll be able to use it as if it were a physical CD or DVD. But before we dig into how to mount an ISO, you’ll first need a virtual drive in order to do so. ISO files can be mounted directly in Windows 10. Follow the steps below to mount your...