A bat script to auto config Windows 10 2016 LTSB Run Windows Desktop Optimization.bat as Administrator: BAT Will Do: Config Service [Disabled] Windows Update [Manual] Update Orchestrator Service for Windows Update [Disabled] Delivery Optimization [Disabled] Windows Search [Manual] Superfetch [Disable...
2、在powershell框中键入下面代码: # Script to force the .NET Framework optimization service to run at maximum speed. $isWin8Plus = [Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge (new-object 'Version' 6,2) $dotnetDir = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("windir","Machine") + "\Microsoft.NET\Fra...
7、我们也可以查看堆的具体情况,执行命令:!dumpheap -stat 命令,如下: 10:000> !dumpheap -stat2*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksumfor01、PatrickLiu.AdvanceDebug.DebugTools.exe3Statistics:4MT Count TotalSize Class Name56ecf5468112System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1[[System.String, m...
Get-WinEvent-ListProvider* Name : .NET Runtime LogLinks : {Application} Opcodes : {} Tasks : {} Name : .NET Runtime Optimization Service LogLinks : {Application} Opcodes : {} Tasks : {} CmdletGet-WinEvent會從計算機取得記錄資訊。ListProvider參數會使用星號 (*) 通...
(Get-WinEvent -ListLog Application).ProviderNames .NET Runtime .NET Runtime Optimization Service Application Application Error Application Hang Application ManagementGet-WinEvent cmdlet 从计算机获取日志信息。 ListLog 参数使用应用程序获取该日志的对象。 ProviderNames 是对象的属性,并显示写入应用程序日志的提供...
29-May-2020 - libtorrent and boost upgrades and optimization boost is updated to 1.73 both 1.1.x and 1.2.x libtorrent builds are optimized for speed not space. libtorrent and boost versions used for the build are indicated in the installer name. ...
SQLite code optimization I am a hobbyist programmer and writing a reporting tool to export values from an SQLite database to Excel. The Excel part is written and working, the data I am retrieving from SQLite is creating a blo...
Run script as 32-bit process on 64-bit clients: Select Yes to run the script in a 32-bit process on 64-bit clients. Select No (default) to run the script in a 64-bit process on 64-bit clients. 32-bit clients run the script in a 32-bit process. Run this script using the logge...
安装了win10和Ubuntu双系统后发现win10上的时间比Ubuntu慢了8小时,最后总结了一种简单有效的方法如下:1、打开Ubuntu系统; 2、打开终端输入:1):sudo apt-get install ntpdate 2):sudo ntpdate time.windows.com 3、图示: 4、注: 若输入命令是显示找不到软件源则应先输入: sudo apt-get ...
reverse engineer code, and examine binary data. by using winhex, developers gain insights into the inner workings of software, facilitating debugging and optimization processes. winhex is a valuable companion for programmers working with low-level code and binary file formats. how does winhex suppor...