DOS Editor in WINDOWS 10 DPI scaling GPO settings apply but no change in resolution Drag & Drop confirmation in Windows Explorer Driver is not intended for this platform - how to get more details? Dual Monitor Support for Windows 10 Remote Desktop App Dual Monitors During Remote Desktop Session...
/f /v OpenGLDriverNameECHO REG DELETE !DA.reg[%%i]! /f /v OpenGLDriverNameWow))ECHO ^) 2^>NULECHO EXIT /b 0) >>%Output%ECHO 已生成批处理文件%cd%\%Output%ECHO 如果是首次使用,需在重启后生效。SET /p ApplySelect=是否立即运行%Output%?(需要管理员权限)(Y/N):ECHO %ApplySelect% | ...
I created both a bootable Windows 10 PE USB and a DVD with is using the Windows ADK. Other than taking FOREVER to download, all went according to plan.Problem: neither will boot past the blue ...
Win 10, drivers and Java updated but : The driver does not appear to support OpenGLResolved Export Details Type: Bug Resolution: Duplicate Fix Version/s: None Affects Version/s: 2.1.1462 (Windows) / 2.1.1433 (Mac OS) / 2.1.1431 (Linux) Component/s: None Labels: None Environm...
win10/win11系统在安装完anaconda后直接 打开 然后配置 直接输入,安装完就OK了 conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia 记着测试一下 import torch torch.cuda.is_available() SP,已经安装成功过了,如果重新安装硬件而进行扣主板电池后,不能识...
Win10 20H1之后的版本改改进了Windows Display Driver Model(WDDM),是微软新一代的图形驱动程序模型。WDDM 2.7为集成和独立显卡引入了另一项称为“硬件加速GPU调度”的新功能。不幸的是,由于缺少内部驱动程序,目前不支持AMD Radeon。Windows 10的硬件加速GPU调度功能使显卡可以直接管理其视频内存。借助新的GPU功能,Micr...
注册表文件位于路径:HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D---4-MaxVersionGL---MaxVersionGL是一个注册表设置,用于设置OpenGL渲染器的最大版本。 注册表文件位于路径:HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D---5-VideoMemorySize---
发现了 nvidia-340 导致 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL....
Unable to load openGL driver. GL_Version: 1.1.0 GL_Renderer: GDI Generic GL_Vendor: Microsoft Corporation So my problem is that: I found no openGL support for HD Graphics 3000 under windows10. I asked Beamdog (the game developer) what shall i do, and they told me to ask the manufact...
It is known that mstsc graphic driver doesn't support opengl. When opening a game which needs opengl, it can not succeed in creating a window. You will get a error message like this. Error launch application Can't create gl window More i...