至于 Clover /QTTabBar /WindowsTabs 之流,他们只是 explorer 的插件,并不是独立的文件管理器,与 exp...
百叶窗、Tablacus Explorer、RX文件管理器等等资源管理器的优缺点,看完文章保证能解决你这个问题 ...
系统:win10 操作步骤: 1.win+R 2.打开注册表:regedit 3.编辑 -> 查找 4.搜索“asktoclosealltabs”,值改为“1”,确定即可。 0:直接关闭所有标签 1:询问“是否关闭所有标签”... 查看原文 本人重装后的一些操作需求 win10开机自动登录1.win+R运行,输入“netplwiz”命令2.取消勾选“要使用本计算机,用户必...
- Extends Explorer by tabs and extra folder views - Free/Donationware - Multiple-language support ...
Clover 是WindowsExplorer 资源管理器的一个扩展,为其增加类似谷歌 Chrome 浏览器的多标签页功能。 方便的 Tab 页功能 要掌握功能强大,操作简单的标签页,只需记住Ctrl+T新开页面,Ctrl+W关闭页面,Ctrl+Tab切换页面,工作效率提高何止一倍! 操作系统无缝集成 ...
;Filename:WIN10下设置TC为默认文件管理器(支持恢复Explorer为默认).ahk ;作者:sunwind1576157 ;用法:把本脚本放到Totalcmd.exe所在目录,运行之 ;热键ctrl+win+t 为设置TC为默认文件管理器 ;热键ctrl+win+e 为设置资源管理器为默认文件管理器 ;优点:在TC设置为默认文件管理器时,同时会多一个右键菜单,【OpenWith...
Me too having inconsistencies in the dark-theme since latest (Explorer with tabs) update, any thoughts? When I first start my pc it comes in all white with black toolbar and when I click something (eg. a drive) it partially restores the dark theme. This ...
It shows unitscorrectlywhen I double click a process, in the "<process name, pid> Properties" window, "Performance graph" shows e.g. 17.3 GB Private Bytes - also tabs "Disk and Network" and "GPU Graph" show correctly. But both in "Performance" tab, and in the main windo...
#Internet Explorer Enable Enhanced Protected Mode #Internet Explorer enables 64-bit processes for Enhanced Protected Mode #Internet Explorer Lock Toolbar #Internet Explorer adjusts number of simultaneous downloads to 10 #Internet Explorer always opens pop-ups in new tabs when encountering them ...
Since I last year installed "Win 10 19.04" I had the problem, that after 6 Hour's of uptime, my system began to stutter. It wasn't noticable, but after 8-10 Hours it was nearly impossible to use the system without a restart. Dragging chrome tabs out of its wind...