1、我们先把鼠标移到左下角,在开始这里点击鼠标右键。 2、在弹出的选项中选择“ PowerShell” 打开 3、打开以后输入下面这段代码: irm https://get.activated.win | iex 4、接着命令行会去网站上下载激活工具,如果遇到需要运行的安全提示,需要点击“是” 5、如果顺利下载成功的话,就会出现这么一个界面。我逐...
emulationstationwin-10emulation-stationemulation-station-windows-10emulation-station-configurationemulation-station-win-10win-11emulation-station-win-11 UpdatedMay 17, 2024 PowerShell Controlling when Windows 10 will reboot after a Windows Update windowspowershellwindows-updateswin-10 ...
2、在弹出的选项中选择“ PowerShell” 打开 3、打开以后输入下面这段代码: 4、接着命令行会去网站上下载激活工具,如果遇到需要运行的安全提示,需要点击“是” 5、如果顺利下载成功的话,就会出现这么一个界面。我逐个翻译下: 其中第二项是可以进行office的激活,第三项和第四项都属于KMS的激活方式(时长不同) ...
Windows PowerShell 2.0 Specify Parameters to Customize how Windows PowerShell Launches Create Windows PowerShell Scripts that Accept Credentials Overview of Cmdlets Available in Windows PowerShell Enable and Use Remote Commands in Windows PowerShell ...
Enter the enable or disable switch user menu command To disable the fast user switching interface, paste the following command by copying it and then right-clicking in CMD. Then, press “Enter”. powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,REG ADD HKLM...
若要使用脚本,请执行以下命令:将脚本下载到设备。 在 GitHub 存储库页中,可以选择以 ZIP 文件的形式下载并提取到设备 在powershell 窗口中,运行“Import-Module <PathToScripts>\scripts\AppOrchestration.psd1”注意: 这些脚本要求用户在设备上具有管理权限,并且必须从提升的控制台执行。注册...
Introducing ways to support asynchronous calls interatively, to enable apps to pick up migration paths via Windows APIs projection/Windows Desktop Bridge, enable scenarios for async WebAPI, SignalR, Azure Function, etc. calls, so WinForms backends can modernized and even migrated to the cloud. ...
you’ll see errors like “PowerShell: running scripts is disabled on this system”. To Enable PowerShell scripts in Windows, you must first set the execution policy. In our other guide, we show youhow to enable PowerShell scripts in Windowsby setting your execution policy via the ...