2、使用AutoDarkMode软件,自动切换暗模式①下载、安装Auto Dark Mode软件并打开;②单击【Time】,勾选【自动主题切换】,设置“亮”和“暗黑”的时间,单机【应用】;③或勾选【使用位置服务】,根据当前位置自动匹配“亮”和“暗黑”的时间;④单击【Wallpaper/Themes】-【配置桌面背景】;⑤分别设置“白色主题壁...
3-1116117699#Win10教程#Win11教程#壁纸教程 禁用桌面壁纸JPG质量降低问题 当您将图像设置为桌面背景壁纸或幻灯片时,Windows会将此图像的副本作为TranscodedWallpaper文件导入并将其存储在%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes文件夹中。您的桌面背景壁纸是从此TranscodedWallpaper文件缓存中加载的。 如果您选择JPG或JPEG图像...
切换出的动态桌面效果 最后,大家也可以将 WinDynamicDesktop 和我们此前介绍过的 Auto Dark Mode 结合起来使用,进而让系统主题和系统壁纸都实现完美的动态效果。 你可以在 GitHub 免费下载 WinDynamicDesktop。 关联阅读:两种方法,让 Windows 10 也能自动切换深/浅色主题 > 下载少数派 客户端、关注 少数派公众号,...
Here is an update to a very popular free Windowblinds theme with a great overall look and feel called The Dark for Windows 10 and 11. The desktop wallpaper shown in the screenshot is included with your download and comes in 1920x1080 and 2560x1440 resolutions. The theme works great with...
9.The default wallpaper has been updated with lighter colors and a flatter aesthetic.10.Snip & Sketch now supports window snip for easy screenshotting of app windows.11.Start and Taskbar jump lists now feature Fluent Design reveal and blur effects.12.The power and account menus in the Start...
Here is an update to my very popular free Windowblinds theme with a great overall look and feel called Flat Dark, now for Windows 10 and 11. No desktop wallpaper comes with this theme. Flat Dark works great with Start 10/11 tiles mode at all settings. This theme has been tested on Wi...
We show you how to change the Desktop Background on Windows 11 and Windows 10 using the dark and light theme, a desktop wallpaper, solid colors othe slideshow feature.
Black Wallpaper on Win10 using BGInfo Block specific Windows Store App Blocking emails in mail on windows 10 Blocking file extensions from being saved to the local hard drive. Blocking personal MS \ Gmail accounts Blue screen error : WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR Bluetooth devices reappear after uninsta...
7-Day Trial. Upgrade to WinSecret Plus! for Windows 10 or 11 for only $7.99 and further includes: Auto Dark Mode: Automatically change app and system theme mode to light or dark Auto Wallpaper Changer: Updates your background every day or hour with beautiful images from the Bing homepage...