运行sudo visudo编辑sudoers文件,增加一行:$USER ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/sshd -D,注意这里把$USER替换成你的linux子系统用户名。保存退出。如果visudo有任何报错一定仔细检查修改直到正常,否则你的linux将无法再登陆!!! 在Win10一侧建立一个vbs脚本文件,比如叫autostartssh.vbs,内容为: set ws=wscript...
AutoStart Endv mpush-alloc 自动 本地系统 AutoStart Endv Redis 自动 本地系统 AutoStart...
# 重启libvirt服务sudo systemctl restart libvirtd.service 10. 自动启动KVM网络服务 sudo virsh net-startdefaultsudo virsh net-autostartdefault # 查看配置结果sudo virsh net-list--all 11. 启动KVM管理工具 virt-manager 12. 基本配置 13. 创建Win10虚拟机 14. 完成安装过程 序列后续: 使用KVM安装MacOS系统 ...
It will start immediately, but does not show up on the list to autostart, nor does it start on reboot. Any suggestions? dotmarty, Jan 14, 2024 #3 L lemonadesoda Win User Why can't I do simple tasks in win10-11? Looking to find a simple chip... For your task (simple mo...
(help keyword 'pool'): find-storage-pool-sources-as find potential storage pool sources find-storage-pool-sources discover potential storage pool sources pool-autostart autostart a pool pool-build build a pool pool-create-as create a pool from a set of args pool-create create a pool from an...
Docker Version: 4.4.2 (73305) Sha1: Started on: 2022/01/24 10:18:43.858 Resources: C:\Users\vr\Downloads\resources OS: Windows 10 Enterprise Edition: Enterprise Id: 2009 Build: 19042 Getting below error while installing docker desktop fo...
Does anyone can make stamps in illustrator and can put them in the "autostart" of acrobat pro dc standard stamps? Like in the blog? Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report More Reply defaultpa5hjrqc58xi New Here , Oct 05, 2021 Copy link to...
Calling ShutdownBlockReasonCreate from my service doesn't stop the user from shutting down What does it mean when my attempt to stop a Windows NT service fails with ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE? How can I configure my Windows NT service to autostart when the system gains Internet access? On the confus...
All errors are logged by the computer system. Ignore ("Ignore") User is not notified. Normal ("Normal") User is notified. Usually this will be a message box display notifying the user of the problem. Severe ("Severe") System is restarted with the last-known-good configuration. ...