The Wimbledon Women’s Tournament, held annually at the iconic All England Club in London, is one of the most prestigious events in the world of tennis. As part of the Grand Slam series, this tournament showcases the finest female athletes in the sport, competing on the lush, green grass...
Vekic was suddenly feeling the heat and, as she served to stay in the set, a double fault gave Paolini the initiative and a forehand winner levelled the match. The momentum swung again at the start of the decider with Vekic, running her opponent al...
YouTube is able to confirm my recollection of '70s women's tennis: A player could pretty much reset the point by hitting a lob deep enough to the opponent's court. Today's female players are, for the most part, able to crush a winner even from the baseline on a lob, if f...
Tsitsipas had the highest engagement rate, utilizing funny/clever captions and engaging pictures. Barty, despite being the winner of the tournament did not produce very high impressions or social value. From this data, we can conclude that the tennis performance of an already established player (...
A break point saved in the third game boosted his confidence, with Sinner requiring six more games to gain an edge. The Italian did so superbly with a beautifully constructed point that ended with a net winner; with the break secured, Sinner nervelessly served out the set. ...
With the final offering either the first Kazakh or the first Arab winner, either way both have more than themselves to remember when they step onto Centre Court. Johnny Watterson Johnny Watterson is a sports writer with The Irish Times Opens in new window ...
Serena Williams is going to play at Wimbledon, after all. The All England Club announced on Tuesday that Williams was awarded a wild-card entry for singles
Unfortunately, Rybakina’s Wimbledon success has been accompanied by political controversies. The 23-year-old, born and raised in Moscow, in 2018 took up the citizenship of Kazakhstan for financial benefit and support and has now become the first Kazakh player — male or female — to win a Gr...
Serena Williams Wins Wimbledon 2015 Championship, Making Her the Oldest Female Grand Slam WinnerBuck, Kimberlee
She conceded five of the last six games as the intelligent, steady 24-year-old closed off the match with a brilliant lunging volley-winner to win her first major title. As Vondrousova began her unlikely title run two weeks ago, her husband, Stepan, had stayed home to look after their ...