Floresville voters have re-elected Joel Odom and Stephen Shodrock to the Floresville Independent School District (ISD) board of trustees, Districts... Stewart re-elected as sheriff in landslide win Audio Article Jim Stewart will continue serving as Wilson County sheriff for another four years. He...
The involvement of SRO'S extends far beyond the classroom and normal workday. Officers participate in parent teacher and faculty meetings, student social and sporting events, and club projects. The presence of SRO'S tends to strengthen the student/police bonds and shows the officers' commitment t...
So scared that someone with my family’s resources would sue them for the accident, the River-Delta School District felt forced to give me a free pass, academically, for the remainder of my high school existence. I could do whatever I wanted, Carte Blanche, and they’d pass me. This me...
State boarding school lodging costs reportedly range from £7,500 to £12,000 per year for each child. Even at the lower end of that scale, Durand would need more than £4.3 million per year to board the 625 secondary pupils it hopes to take in. In the last three years, the sch...
Again, a sale of school building and grounds was made between the Town District Board of Education and the Christian Woman's Board of Missions, with headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana. The property consisted of twenty and five-tenths acres on which a stone building used for high school and...
According to his obituary, Harry “received his early education at the Amherst Island public school.” The family then moved to nearby Kingston, where they were living for the 1911 census. Harry attended the St. Mary’s separate school (Wikipedia has an explanation of what “separate schools”...