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Shop our most popular line of performance tennis rackets. Our Blade rackets come in a variety of sizes & string patterns, ideal for competitive tennis players.
Building on nearly 20 years of dominance, Wilson's Blade performance rackets continue to be the preferred choice of avid competitors looking for ultimate control, feel and stability. The Blade 98 (18x20) V9 has a sharper, more stable response that produces a more connected-to-the-ball feel....
正品WilsonBladev718x20TennisRacquet舒适灵活性网球拍网球拍 正品Wilson Blade v7 98 18x20 Tennis Racquet舒适灵活性网球拍 风格: 正品 Wilson Blade v7 18x20 Tennis Racquet 舒适 灵活性 网球拍
☆★Sabine★☆..这是BLX Blade 98的粉色款,为职业女性球手所使用的一款涂装。有中等拍面、适中的重量以及操控性不错的平衡点,一直以来都是国内市场上最畅销的球拍之一。结合良好的控制和柔和手感是那些全能选手之爱,
head一般被认为是双反神器 尤其是L4系列 可能和偏狭长的拍头有关系 击球感觉是回馈比较真实 很多发烧友...
I would give the Blade 104 an 8/10 on serve. Overall 8out of 10 I would strongly advise this racquet for tennis coaches. If you’re playing all day every day, you can generate a good amount of power without really doing anything and this does not detract from the touch and feel the...
我们前一期做了2019 Wilson Blade 16x19 V7 的静态展示,在这里我们和Wilson Clash 100做一个比较。可以看出来,从外观上,Blade几乎是Clash系出同门,只是配色从橘红色变成了绿色。拍面是98,比Clash 100要小。拍框宽度也较薄,显然更加突出控制。重量,平衡 和上一代Blade Countervail几乎相同,挥重328。增加了Wilson ...
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