At Willow Tree Healing Center we believe healing is possible for everyone. We help people along their journey of healing the Self. (p) (860) 276-4459 WELCOME TO WILLOW TREE WELLNESS ABOUT US We offer services in English, Spanish, and Chinese. At Willow Tree Wellness, we provide empathetic support in a safe environment so that you are empowered to explore, grow, and feel confident in navig...
Ancient civilizations used willow tree extracts to treat pain, inflammation, and musculoskeletal conditions. Assyrian clay tablets excavated by archaeologists document these uses of willow as well as use in treating fever. Egyptians used willow to treat joint pain and inflammatory conditions associated ...
You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. This copyrighted material is licensed from Therapeutic Research Center, LLC...