Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is expected to reorganise how we travel. To date, it is still unclear who will embrace these new mobility strategies, and how they will transform travellers’ behaviours. This study identifies the key drivers determining the adoption of MaaS in two European metropol...
apple growers would be willing to pay $0.16/lb to improve apple size from less than to larger than 2.9 inches. As a percentage premium, e.g., Onozaka et al. [18] found that consumers in Northern California were willing to pay a 15 percent price premium for bananas labeled “pesticide ...
By subscribing you agree to receive the Paddle newsletter. Unsubscribe at any time.12 software monetization strategies to drive revenue in 2023 & beyond How Adobe, GoPro, Microsoft, and Gillette saved their businesses through subscription revenue Revenue models: 11 types and how to pick the right...
Pharmacy users who did not agree to be followed up (n = 147) cited lack of interest, time and travel abroad as factors for declining follow up. Two main themes were identified (1) Patient-pharmacy relationship and (2) Willingness to pay. 3.3. Pharmacy user satisfaction The majority of ...
apple growers would be willing to pay $0.16/lb to improve apple size from less than to larger than 2.9 inches. As a percentage premium, e.g., Onozaka et al. [18] found that consumers in Northern California were willing to pay a 15 percent price premium for bananas labeled “pesticide ...
pandemic such as food scarcity, by examining the influence of consumption values on consumers’ willingness to consume genetically modified (GM) food in the presence of consumer food attitudes, animosity, and ethnocentrism, which could be the one possible option to deal with the food scarcity ...