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in-depth, semi-structured interviews with nine young adults and eight older adults were conducted to investigate the reasons for wearing masks in public space in April 2020, when residents were still advised to stay indoors and practise preventative measures despite the scheduled ease on travel curbs...
alongside the metaverse's development. Scholars have studied users' use intention, user behaviour, and continuous use behaviour of metaverse-related technologies and services such as metaverse, metaverse technology, metaverse game service, metaverse travel service, metaverse office, and metaverse education....
Second, the literature on sustainable products shows a wide disparity of results regarding willingness to pay depending on the analysed context/country. In Spain, in particular, there are very few studies on this subject. About fair trade products, to the best of our knowledge, there are no sc...
by shortening food chains through short food supply chains, which aim to reduce the production-consumption distance and the number of intermediaries, resocialize food production and generate more direct connections and relationships, with particular emphasis on the construction of value and meaning. This...
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is expected to reorganise how we travel. To date, it is still unclear who will embrace these new mobility strategies, and how they will transform travellers’ behaviours. This study identifies the key drivers determining the adoption of MaaS in two European metropol...
Times of visit: First time (59.9%), Second time (40.1%); Duration of visit: Half-day visit (46.6%), Whole-day visit (53.4%); Travel alone: Alone (20.6%), With friends (79.4%); Purchased joint Ticket: JT (53.4%), N-JT (46.6%) Travel mode to Tongli Ancient Town: Transit (45.8...
These results indicate that coffee is a well-known and frequently consumed product in the sample. Furthermore, the fair trade logo was more often recognized than the organic label. Table 3 shows that when considering frequency of buying labelled coffee, a higher percentage bought organic (24%) ...
(N= 490 in Kenya andN= 403 in Zimbabwe). For all models, the dependent variable was the highest price the respondent was willing to pay and indicators for wealth, willingness to purchase condoms if free condoms were not available, travel time to obtain free condoms (proxy for convenience),...
The corresponding question was also asked to respondents that had chosen Area 2. As open-ended WTP formats are believed to yield an unusually high percentage of responses of € 0 [55], we used a payment card in which the respondents were asked to state their maximum WTP. The payment card...