advertisements of the time cited its design, saying about the Silver Arrow that, “It gives you in 1933 the car of 1940.” The Silver Arrow had a V12 engine with 160 horsepower that could produce a top speed of
(1954), Barbara Belle Geddes, Barbara McLean-Film Editing, Barbara Stanwyck, Barry Mahon, Basil Dearden, Bayou 1957, Bedlam 1946, Bela Lugosi, Ben Gazzara, Bernardo Bertolucci, Beryl Reid, Bette Davis, Betty Field, Beverly Garland, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt 1957, Bill Karn, Blake Edwards, ...
Williams was born in Mount Olive, a ruralcommunityin southernAlabama, and lived in nearbyGreenville, Garland, and Georgiana at various times during his childhood. As a boy, he was the musical protégé of Rufus Payne, an African American street performer who went by the name Tee-Tot and bus...