Nothing Venturedwill be followed this October byHidden in Plain Sight. Both center on the brilliant Scotland Yard detective,William Warwick, as he battles a powerful criminal nemesis. Gotler is already fielding offers to turn William Warwick into a major television series. ...
the hereditary constable of Lincoln Castle and the first woman in England to be appointed sheriff in her own right. It is is available fromPen & Sword Books,bookshop.organdAmazon.Defenders of the Norman Crown: The Rise and Fall of the Warenne Earls of Surreytells the...
“Rigorously researched, Torment Saint offers the deepest, most informative look into the singer-songwriter’s tortured life.” —Buzzfeed, top music books of 2013 “Poignant… Delves into the reluctant star’s legacy.” —NME, top music books of 2013 “Brilliant raw fuel for Schultz to add c...
Warwick Tarboton, writer and ornithologist, is an expert on the birds of Southern Africa, and is currently President of BirdLife South Africa. He is co-author of the most popular bird field-guide to the region, Birds of Southern Africa. ...
1、THE COLLECTED LETTERS OF WILLIAM MORRIS,《威廉·莫里斯书信选集》,精装, 二卷3册(第一卷1848-1880,第二卷共2册1881-1884、1885-1888) ,含大量莫里斯、家人、朋友以及工作、生活、作品等珍贵影像 ,EDITED BY NORMAN KELVIN。此处为附图。2、现货实物拍摄。美品,保存状态很好,基本如新。未发现明显写划字迹...
珍贵资料 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PROHIBITED BOOKS 布封精装三厚册 带函套 毛边本 限量1000部 Pisanus Fraxi ¥3298.00 FOLK-TALES OF BENGAL 《孟加拉民间故事》 Illustrated by Warwick Goble 戈布尔经典插画美轮美奂 全幅彩画32幅全MACMILLAN1912年Goble插画本初版 REV.LAL BEHARI DAY ¥2198.00 补图勿拍。 FOLK-...
Sir Philip Warwick thus writes of that unfortunate monarch; “Methinks, because it shows his dislike of a common court vice, it is not unworthy the relating of him, that one evening, his dog scratching at his door, he commanded me to let in Gipsy; whereupon I took, the boldness to ...
Jonathan Bate is professor of Shakespeare and Renaissance literature at the University of Warwick. Widely known as a critic, award-winning biographer, and broadcaster, Bate is the author of several books on Shakespeare, including and , which was praised by Peter Hall, founder of the RSC, as "...
HELLO LADIES FUNNYMAN Stephen Merchant is about to tour the UK with his Hello Ladies stand-up comedy show and the Warwick University graduate jokingly says he will be on the look-out for a potential wife. The 36-year-old is best known for his working partnership with Ricky Gervais on TV...
Warwick speaking.) Dick The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers. Cade Nay, that I mean to do. Is not this a lamentable thing, that of the skin of an innocent lamb should be made parchment? That parchment, being scribbled o’er, should undo a man?