William Somerset Maugham 威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆 (1874-1965) 毛姆是下述一切的总和: 一个孤僻的孩子,一个医学院的学生,一个富有创造力的小说家,一个放荡不羁的巴黎浪子, 一个成功的伦敦西区戏剧家,一个英国社会名流,一个一战时在弗兰德斯前线的“文学家救护车 司机”,一个潜入俄国工作的英国间谍,一个同性恋...
Davidson. He had been polite enough to the Macphails during the journey, but he had not his wife's sociability, and had spent much of his time reading. He was a silent, rather sullen man, and you felt that his affability was a duty that he imposed upon himself Christianly; he was ...
We produced this wonderful monograph, which has all the trappings—acknowledgements, notes and so on. I got real people to remember Nat Tate. You’re reading this book skeptically, but then you come across Gore Vidal saying,Nat was a good looking boy, but he drank too...
In his “Notes and Comment,”E.B. Whiteobserved that almost everyone was “made miserable” by the Depression, but if one looked around there were signs that things weren’t so bad after all. REASON FOR CHEER…For those still feeling blue about the Depression,E.B. Whitesuggested watching ...
After reading a column inThe Herald Tribunethat concerned interesting stamps and envelopes… …James Thurberfound himself inspired to make a brief examination of the “Thurber envelope”… …which proved to be neither interesting nor unusual (excerpts): ...