1.(Biography)knownasWilliamtheLion.?1143–1214,kingofScotland(1165–1214) 2.(Biography)Prince.born1982,DukeofCambridge,firstsonofPrinceCharlesandDiana,PrincessofWales.In2011hemarriedKateMiddleton(born1982);theirson,PrinceGeorge,wasbornin2013 CollinsEnglishDictionary–CompleteandUnabridged,12thEdition2014©...
Kingship and Culture, by D. D. R. Owen (East Lothian: Tuckwell P., 1997; pp. xiv+218. 25 [pounds sterling]; pb. 14.99 [pounds sterling]), goes a long way towards addressing. Professor Owen...
His support of the church led to papal recognition and secured the independence of the Scottish church. That important distinction would greatly aid future independence efforts. He also oversaw civil and legal reforms and saw off Norse incursions in the north of Scotland. His posthumous moniker,...
1.(Biography) known asWilliam the Lion.?1143–1214, king of Scotland (1165–1214) 2.(Biography)Prince.born 1982, Duke of Cambridge, first son of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales. In 2011 he married Kate Middleton (born 1982); their son, Prince George, was born in 2013 ...
1.(Biography) known asWilliam the Lion.?1143–1214, king of Scotland (1165–1214) 2.(Biography)Prince.born 1982, Duke of Cambridge, first son of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales. In 2011 he married Kate Middleton (born 1982); their son, Prince George, was born in 2013 ...
?1143–1214, king of Scotland (1165–1214) 2. (Biography) Prince. born 1982, Duke of Cambridge, first son of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales. In 2011 he married Kate Middleton (born 1982); their son, Prince George, was born in 2013 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and...
William I was the king of Scotland from 1165 to 1214; although he submitted to English overlordship for 15 years (1174–89) of his reign, he ultimately obtained independence for his kingdom. William was the second son of the Scottish Henry, Earl of North