kind of a gold-like guard over the handle part. And the–the knife itself looked rather like it was kind of a shiny like, oh, something like chrome or something glistening in the sun. Now, it was about ten or eleven o'clock in the morning, way on top of a mountain. You can imag...
Barry Craig 511107 06 Borrowed Knife.mp3 Barry Craig 511114 07 Dead On Arrival.mp3 Barry Craig 511121 08 Murder In Wax.mp3 Barry Craig 511128 09 The Naughty Necklace.mp3 Barry Craig 511205 10 The Paper Bullet.mp3 Barry Craig 511212 11 Death And The Purple Cow.mp3 ...
32 A few nights ago, Billy, my–or my daughter-in-law, rather, called me way in the night, and said there was a man named Andy Herman (which is a cousin of mine) was laying dying in the hospital. And I went out to see him. They'd doped him so much that he was asleep, and...
which is now Will's, will fade with time, and that he himself will fortify his memory against the ravages of age. The phrase "confounding age's cruel knife" is a powerful metaphor, as it suggests that aging
My spirit is thine, the better part of me: So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life, The prey of worms, my body being dead, The coward conquest of a wretch's knife, Too base of thee to be remembered. The worth of that is that which it contains, ...