威廉二世(William II of England)[59],英国国王 田纳西·威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)[63],二十世纪美国剧作家 温克尔曼…www.q.sohu.com|基于89个网页 2. 英格兰国王威廉二世 1087-1100年在位的英格兰国王威廉二世(William II of England)。 1100-1135年在位的英格兰国王亨利一世(Henry I of Engla…michael-zhang...
(redirected from William II of England)Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to William II of England: Robert CurthoseWil·liam 1 (wĭl′yəm) Born 1982. British prince and elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales. Wil·liam 2 See Wilhelm. American Heritage® ...
Wiliam II, Wiliam II, ymerawdwr yr Almaen是“William II"到 威尔士文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:William II of England ↔ Wiliam II, brenin Lloegr William II noun William II, Landgrave of Hesse [..] + 添加翻译 英文-威尔士文字典 Wiliam II langbot Wiliam II, ymerawdwr yr Alma...
William II Of England - Not Quite As Bad As The Chroniclers Suggested Kingdom: England Lived: 1056 - 1100 (d. age 44) Reign: 1087 - 1100 Nicknames: Rufus ("the red") Notable events: Defeated Scottish King Malcolm III Solidified Welsh border Regained control of Maine, France Killed in ...
英国诺曼底征服(Norman Conquest of England)是指在1066年,威廉征服者(William the Conqueror)率领的诺曼底军队入侵英格兰并成功占领该国的历史事件。这次征服对于英格兰、诺曼底以及整个欧洲历史都具有重要的影响。 征服的导火索是英格兰国王爱德华(Edward the Confessor)的死亡,他没有留下直系子嗣,导致了继承权的争夺。威廉...
The meaning of WILLIAM is name of 4 kings of England: I (the Conqueror) circa 1028—1087 (reigned 1066—87); II (Rufus ) circa 1056—1100 (reigned 1087—1100); III 1650—1702 (reigned 1689—1702—see mary ii); IV 1765—1837 (reigned 1830—37).
William II 美 英 un.威廉二世 网络德皇威廉二世;威廉姆二世 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 威廉二世(1.1056—1100,William Rufus,英国国王,在位期间1087—1100;2.1859—1941,德国皇帝及普鲁士王,在位期间1888—1918)
名词(= William II) 威廉二世(征服者威廉的次子,自1087年成为英格兰国王直到1100年 1056-1100) 英语解释 the second son of William the Conqueror who succeeded him as King of England (1056-1100) 相似短语 william iin. (= William II) 威廉二世(征服者威廉的次子,自1087年成为英格兰国王直到1100年 1056-...
Within six months came the first revolt in favour of Robert. A large proportion of the barons of England were barons of Normandy also, whom it suited much better to owe allegiance only to the incompetent Robert than to owe it to Robert for their Norman possessions and to the fierce Red ...
William II noun William Rufusthe Red, 1056?–1100, King of England 1087–1100 (son of William I, duke of Normandy). Also Wilhelm II. Frederick Wilhelm Viktor Albert, 1859–1941, king of Prussia and emperor of Germany 1888–1918. 1 / Read More Play Video Replay the list TOP ARTICLES ...