慢速英语029期:第9任,威廉·亨利·哈里森——短命的总统 William Henry Harrison(1841)_ Short-Lived 慢速英语视频系列简介:通过慢速英语,一边学习英语,一边了解全球最新科技知识、各国人文历史。英语听力需要坚持练习,这里提供各种新鲜素材,让大家在获取知识的同时学习英语,在学习英语的同时获取知识,让枯燥的英语学习不...
Early life 早期生活 Harrison did not come from a simple, western family. 哈里森并不是来自一个普通的西方家庭。 Instead, he was the youngest child of a wealthy family from the southern state of Virginia. The Harrisons were active in the politics of the young nation. His father signed the Dec...
William Henry Harrison: Early Years Harrison Fights on the Frontier The Log Cabin Campaign Harrison’s Brief Presidency William Henry Harrison (1773-1841), America’s ninth president, served just one month in office before dying of what his doctor said was pneumonia. Harrison's tenure, fro...
威廉·亨利·哈里森(William Henry Harrison,1773年2月9日-1841年4月4日),第九任美国总统,但就职仅31天(1841年3月4日-4月4日)就因病去世,是首位在任上去世的美国总统,也是任职时间最短的美国总统。哈里森去世时几乎不名一文,国会经表决赠予他的遗孀安娜2.5万美元养老金,相当于哈里森一年的薪酬(相当于2019年...
William Henry Harrison 生卒年月:1773年2月9日——1841年4月4日 总统任期:1841年3月4日——1841年4月4日 所属政党:辉格党 哈里森出身名门,父亲是《独立宣言》签署人之一。他在第二次对英战争中有过显著功绩。1 8 4 0年竞选总统获胜,就职...
William Henry Harrison | Book by Gail Collins, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Sean Wilentz | Macmillan MobileGail CollinsArthur M. Schlesinger JrSean WilentzMacmillan
根据短文开头的句子“William Henry Harrison, the ninth president of the U.S, was born in a small town.”可知,威廉•哈里森,美国第九任总统,出生在一个小城镇。答案为The U.S / A small town in the U.S.【小题2】问题:当威廉·亨利·哈里森还是个小男孩的时候,他是什么样的人?根据文中信息“...
【题目 】William Henry Harrison, th e nint h president of th e US, was born in a small to wn. When h e was a boy, h e was very quiet an d shy. Becaus e h e was so quiet, every on e tho ught that h e wasn't bright. T h e peopl e in the town often put a nickel...
For more on Harrison, we've created the lesson called William Henry Harrison's Early Life. You'll be going over the following bullet points: His short time in office Harrison's date of birth and his family life while growing up His marriage and political career ...
1William Henry Harrison, the ninth president of the U.S.,was born in a small town.When he was a boy,he was very quiet and shy.Because he was so quiet,everyone thought that he wasn’t bright(聪明).The people in the town often put a nickel(五分镍币)and a dime(一角硬币)before him...