隆重推出“美国总统”系列,在几分钟的时间里,讲述从乔治·华盛顿到唐纳德·特朗普,共计45任美国总统的传奇经历及奇闻轶事,欢迎大家观看,并点赞、转发、收藏。慢速英语029期:第9任,威廉·亨利·哈里森——短命的总统 William Henry Harrison(1841)_ Short-Lived慢速英
威廉·亨利·哈里森(William Henry Harrison,1773年2月9日-1841年4月4日),第九任美国总统,但就职仅31天(1841年3月4日-4月4日)就因病去世,是首位在任上去世的美国总统,也是任职时间最短的美国总统。哈里森去世时几乎不名一文,国会经表决赠予他的遗孀安娜2.5万美元养老金,相当于哈里森一年的薪酬(相当于2019年...
美国历史上最长的就职演讲是威廉·亨利·哈里森 (William Henry Harrison) 的,有 8445 个字。当天下着暴风雪,他讲了两个多小时,导致当场就感冒了,一个月后哈里森总统死于肺炎。这告诉我们一个道理。 发布于 2023-11-23 17:40・IP 属地湖北 赞同5 分享收藏 写下你的评论... 2 条评论 默...
他本人无明确政纲,执政期间未采取任何重大行动。 William Henry Harrison was the ninth President of the United States. He was born in 1773 into a wealthy plantation-owning family. He studied classics and history at college and then beg...
William Henry Harrison: deathThe death of William Henry Harrison (1841). Harrison was soon overwhelmed by office seekers. He was thoroughly dominated by the better-known leaders of his party—Daniel Webster, whom he appointed secretary of state, andHenry Clay. His relations with Clay were embitte...
#070 - 译文William Henry Harrison THE MAKING OF A NATION #70 - William Henry Harrison译文 哈里森病逝 泰勒继任总统 1840年,威廉.亨利.哈里森当选美国第九任总统。这位退役将军的胜选本在预料之中,是辉格党的一大胜利,也是对民主党人的重大政治打击,因为他们没能让范布伦当选连任。大选期间,哈里森的大部分...
William Henry Harrison William Henry Harrison: Early Years William Henry Harrison was born on February 9, 1773, at Berkeley, his family’s plantation near Richmond, Virginia. His father, Benjamin Harrison (1726-91) was a signer of theDeclaration of Independenceand governor of Virginia. The younge...
WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, the first Whig elected to the presidency, was inaugurated on 4 March 1841. A month later he was dead. John Tyler thus became the first vice president to succeed to the office of president of the United States upon the death of the incumbent. Tyler is most commonly...
U.S. President William Henry Harrison died on April 4, 1841. Harrison had been elected in 1840, and was inaugurated on March 4, 1841. Shortly after... Learn more about this topic: President William Henry Harrison | Term, Accomplishments & Death ...
【题目 】William Henry Harrison, th e nint h president of th e US, was born in a small to wn. When h e was a boy, h e was very quiet an d shy. Becaus e h e was so quiet, every on e tho ught that h e wasn't bright. T h e peopl e in the town often put a nickel...