he shifts the grounds of sf displacement inwards from cyber (as it were) to punk; the world his novels describe is old (whereas in agenda or First SF, the future is new) and whether or not the world can be understood, which in Gibson's work is not the case, its inhabitants are con...
William Gibson, American Canadian writer of science fiction who was a leader of the genre’s cyberpunk movement. His notable books included his debut novel, Neuromancer (1984), which won numerous awards, including a Nebula and a Hugo. Learn more about Gi
William Gibson is the author of Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Burning Chrome, Virtual Light, Idoru, All Tomorrow’s Parties, Pattern Recognition, Spook Country, Zero History, Distrust That Particular Flavor, and The Peripheral.
Technological Transfiguration in William Gibson's Sprawl Novels : Neuromancer, Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive. Extrapolation 32.4 (1991) : 351-60.Mead, David G. "Technological Transfiguration in William Gibson's Sprawl Novels: Neuromancer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive." Extrapolation ...
Count Zerothreads together three distinct plot arcs, which stay relatively divorced from each other until the climax of the novel brings them together. It’s an early example of the sort of narrative weaving that became a staple of Gibson’s novels. ...
In society, there exists a perpetual conflict between what individuals desire and what is required for maintaining homogeneity and order within the group. William Faulkner examines this phenomenon in his literary works, focusing on its influence on motherhood. In the novels ‘The Sound and the Fury...
For generations, William Wallace has been a hero to Scotland and a patron of freedom. After Mel Gibson\'s portrayal of Wallace in the award-winning movie, Braveheart, there was a dramatic rise in the popularity and recognition of the Scottish hero. The story of William Wallace has been pass...
To create this world, Gibson drew on material ranging from Dashiell Hammett’s novels to Steely Dan’s songs and blended them into what one reviewer called “high-tech electric poetry.” Along the way, Gibson introduced new words to the language--cyberspace,black ice,meat puppet--and helped ...
William-Faulkner WILLIAMFAULKNER (1897-1962)Tolearnthepleasureofsnobbery—male—andretaliation—female.懂得了势利的乐趣—这是男人,也懂得了报复的乐趣,这是女人。Generalinformation Oneofthemostinfluentialwritersofthe20thcentury,hisreputationisbasedonhisnovels,novellasandshortstories.However,hewasalsoa...
graphic locations include Yoknapatawphan subtitles, as in “Mottstown. Where Jason Compson lost his niece’s trail, and where Anse Bundren and his boys had to go in order to reach Jefferson.” The events are, pri- marily, minor matters, insignificant except in Yokna-patawpha, where,...