DODD asa delighthxl andstimulating teacher of graduate students andasthe authorof The CottonKingdom, ]e•ersonDavis, Woodrow WilsonandhisWork,andotherhistorical andbiographical writings willbesurprised atthetitlechosen byRobert Dallekforhisdetafied andmeticulous biography. Why not Historian and Diplo,ma...
McIntosh led the lower Creek against the British in the War of 1812 and was made a brigadier general. He later fought alongside Andrew Jackson against the Seminole. In Feb., 1825, he signed a treaty ceding the Creek lands E of the Chattahoochee River to Georgia and was shortly thereafter ...
Mr. Dodd, "The Traveler," Paradise (also known as Guns of Paradise), 1989 Mr. Vandergelder, "The Gypsy Cried," Married ... with Children, Fox, 1989 Mr. Dodd, "Hour of the Wolf," Paradise (also known as Guns of Paradise), 1989 Mr. Dodd, "Common Good," Paradise (also known as...
1 Biography 1.1 Name 1.2 Birth 1.3 Residence 1.4 Marriage 2 SourcesBiography This biography is a rough draft. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited.Name Name: William Lawwell /Lawwill/[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] ...