ENGINEERS432 OBITUARY. portworks at Galvan,Bahia B1anca.l Mr. Trery waselected a n Associate Member on the 6th December, 1887, and was transferred to the class of Members on the 8th November, 1892. %`ILLIAM BARROW TLXXER, 29th August, 1840, a t Grange, born Lancashire, died at ...
William Rotsler, author, artist, sculptor, photographer, and cartoonist extraordinaire, died suddenly October 18, 1997, at the home of his friend, Paul Turner. He recently had throat cancer surgery. In the last few years, he had a heart attack and bypass surgery, and various other severe ill...
Jr. One of the most important milestones since the disclosure process began in earnest after the dissolution of the Soviet empire in 1991 was the publishing in 1997 of The Day After Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso with William Birnes (also a speaker). The allegations...
Obituary in Grand Rapids Paper in January 1956 Drueke--William F. Drueke sr., aged 72, of 1624 Seminole rd., SE, passed away Wednesday morning at Berea, Ky. Surviving are his widow, Rose; two sons, William, jr., and Joseph of Grand Rapids; three daughters, Mrs. James L. Griffin, ...
Franz Berles owned a grocery store in a building on the west side of the Grand River called the Berles Block, where the family also lived. The Berles Block was on the northeast corner of Bridge Street and Turner Street, at 57 W. Bridge Street (347 Bridge Street NW after 1912). The...
Dolly Parton's Brother David Parton Parton's older brother David died on Nov. 15 at his home in Tennessee. Her sister Stellaannouncedthe news in a social media post, writing "It's never easy to lose a loved one." In a separate post, she added that David died "peacefully." ...
Christopher LehmannHaupt