Biography: Michael W. Balfe: A Unique Victorian Composer A recent biography "Michael W. Balfe: A Unique Victorian Composer" by Basil Walsh has been published in Europe and the USA for the composer's bicentenary year (2008), by Irish Academic Press,Dublin, in association with the Arts ...
William Clark(born August 1, 1770, Caroline county,Virginia[U.S.]—died September 1, 1838, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.) was an American frontiersman who won fame as an explorer by sharing withMeriwether Lewisthe leadership of their epicexpeditionto thePacific Northwest(1804–06). He later ...
As the eldest of the four sons of Murry Cuthbert and Maud Butler Falkner, William Faulkner (as he later spelled his name) was well aware of his family background and especially of his great-grandfather, Colonel William Clark Falkner, a colourful if violent figure who fought gallantly during ...
(1871–1940), a woman whose talent for realistic detail convinced thousands of readers that she was a real cowboy writing from personal experience. Other western classics areWalter van Tilburg Clark’sThe Ox-Bow Incident(1940), which uses aNevadalynching as ametaphorfor the struggle for justice...
Crew members of the HMSBounty, including Clark Gable (left) as Fletcher Christian and Charles Laughton (right) as Captain Bligh, in the 1935 film version of Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall'sMutiny on the Bounty. Mutiny on the Bounty ...
U.S. Supreme CourtJustices of the U.S. Supreme Court (bottom row, from left) Associate Justice Tom C. Clark, Associate Justice Hugo Black, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Associate Justice William O. Douglas, Associate Justice John Marshall Harlan, (top row, from left) Associate Justice Byron R...
which was published asDown in My Heart(1947). In 1968 he joined the faculty of Lewis and Clark College in Portland,Oregon, serving as English professor from 1960 to 1980. Stafford also waspoetryconsultant to theLibrary of Congress(1970–71; nowpoet laureateconsultant in poetry) and poet laure...