” The speaker, a child, asks the lamb about its origins: how it came into being, how it acquired its particular manner of feeding, its “clothing” of wool, its “tender voice.” In the next stanza, the speaker attempts riddling answer to his own question: the lamb was made by one...
Little lamb, who made thee? 小羊羔谁创造了你Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道谁创造了你Gave thee life, and bid thee feed 给你生命,哺育着你By the stream and o'er the mead; 在溪流旁,在青草地Gave thee clothing of delight, 给你穿上好看的衣裳Softest clothing, woolly, bright; 最软...
07 William Blake(威廉布莱克)The Lamb(羔羊) N 1232023-09 5 06 Ben Johson(本琼森)Song to Celia(致西利娅) 1182023-09 6 05 Sonnet 29 Nicholas Krippendorf 1422023-09 7 04 William Shakespeare(威廉莎士比亚)Sonnet 1052023-09 8 03 Christopher Marlowe(克利斯 朵夫马洛)The P 1022023-09 9 02 The Ey...
"The Lamb" is a renowned poem written by the English poet and artist, William Blake. This poem beautifully portrays the innocence and spirituality associated with the lamb, as well as the deeper symbolic meaning it carries. It is a part of Blake's collection of poems called "Songs of Innoc...
The lamb is one of the simplest poems of Blake. The symbolic meaning of it is almost clearly stated in the poem The Lamb which is probably the most important among the poem of innocence. Here the symbols of child, lamb and Christ are assimilated each other. The poem begins with a child...
TheLamb byWilliamBlake LittleLamb,whomadethee?Dostthouknowwhomadethee?Gavetheelife&bidtheefeed,Bythestream&o’erthemead;小羊羔,谁造就了你?你不知道谁造就了你吗?赋予你生命,喂你食物,在溪水旁,在草地边;Gavetheeclothingofdelight,给你穿上好看的衣裳,Softestclothingwoolybright;最柔软的衣裳,毛茸茸...
WilliamBlake(1757-1827)ToseeaWorldinaGrainofSandAndaHeaveninaWildFlower,HoldInfinityinthepalmofyourhandAndEternityinanhour.---WilliamBlake:AuguriesofInnocence 一沙一世界,一花一片天,掌中握无限,永恒刹那间!---译者不详从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂,把永恒纳进一个时辰,把无限握在自己手心。——王佐良...
The Lamb - William Blake 在阳光明媚、晴朗少云的一天,去往一处宁静的山谷。走在那幽静的小道上,有着动听的虫鸣,鸟儿的歌声充斥在山谷间,阳光被树叶遮得严严实实,听那泉水叮叮咚咚作响,看见那清澈见底的小溪,唤醒郁郁苍苍的树,风拂过,沙啦啦地响,那是多么美好的一副画卷啊。远处绿野中有三三两两一处吃草的...
Explore "The Lamb" by William Blake. Read the poem, study the summary and analysis, learn about "Songs of Innocence," and understand the themes and...
浪漫主义时期文学thelambthetygerwilliamblake ToseeaWorldinaGrainofSand AndaHeaveninaWildFlower,HoldInfinityinthepalmofyourhand AndEternityinanhour. ---WilliamBlake:AuguriesofInnocence 一沙一世界,一花一片天,掌中握无限,永恒刹那间!---译者不详 从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂,把永恒...