Herschel met up with another musician who was also a math professor in Cambridge and astronomer. That sparked his curiosity about astronomy, which led to his first telescope. His observations of double stars led to studies of multiple star systems, including the motions and separations of the sta...
Remarkably, a paper presented to the Royal Society in December 1797 by the then King's Astronomer, Sir William Herschel, (who had discovered Uranus in 1781), includes a description of a possible ring around the planet. Dr Eves believes this is the first observation of the rings that were n...
William Herschel- English astronomer (born in Germany) who discovered infrared light and who catalogued the stars and discovered the planet Uranus (1738-1822) Sir Frederick William Herschel,Sir William Herschel,Herschel Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton Univers...
英语解释 English astronomer (born in Germany) who discovered infrared light and who catalogued the stars and discovered the planet Uranus (1738-1822)相似短语 william herschel n. (= William Herschel) 威廉·赫歇尔(英国天文学家、古典作曲家、音乐家,恒星天文学的创始人,被誉为恒星天文学之父 1738...
英英释义 English astronomer (born in Germany) who discovered infrared light and who catalogued the stars and discovered the planet Uranus (1738-1822) 访问沪江小D查看sir frederick william herschel的更多详细解释>相关短语 manway (坑道里的) 人行走道 unit of traffic (吨公里或旅客公里) 客货运输单位 ...
英语解释 English astronomer (born in Germany) who discovered infrared light and who catalogued the stars and discovered the planet Uranus (1738-1822) 相似短语 sir frederick william herschelphr. 弗里德里希.威廉.赫歇尔爵士 sir william herschelphr. 威廉·赫歇尔爵士 ...
In March of 1781 William Herschel, a musician and amateur astronomer discovered what would eventually be called “Uranus.” He discovered what he initially thought was a comet, while looking for what he called double stars. He ended up finding Uranus as it passed by one of the stars he was...
The British astronomer William Herschel discovered the planet of Uranus, the second-farthest gas giant from Earth (after only Neptune, which was... Learn more about this topic: Astronomy | Definition, Branches & History from Chapter 1/ Lesson 18 ...
William Herschel, born in Hanover, Germany on 15 November 1738, was a renowned astronomer and composer who made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. He discovered the planet Uranus in 1781, and is credited with discovering infrared radiation and the use of the telescope to observe...
是将“William Herschel"翻译成 威尔士文。 译文示例:William Herschel ↔ William Herschel William Herschel noun English astronomer (born in Germany) who discovered infrared light and who catalogued the stars and discovered the planet Uranus (1738-1822) + 添加翻译 英文-威尔士文字典 William ...