The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.Features the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, supporter of performing arts in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Mission of the foundation's performing arts program; Theatrical companies included in the foundation's portfolio....
asimov isaac - [foundation 2] - foundation and empire (1) 热度: 相关推荐 TheWilliamandFloraHewlettFoundation(HewlettFoundation),AutomatedStudent AssessmentPrize(ASAP). Authors:JonathanPeters&PawełJankiewicz Abstract 1.Introduction 2.Datapreprocessing 3.Featureextraction: 3.1Chunksclustering 3.2Kernelprincip...
PetersonSloss, Celeste
Program Officer, Education, The William and Flora Hewlett FoundationProgram OfficerBarbara ChowChronicle of Higher Education
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Annual Report 2006Foundation, WilliamFlora Hewlett
A model was developed to show:thermal regulation;ratio of change in heat production to change in body temperature;thermal capacity of the body;heat transfer coefficient of the fur;and volume of oxygen required to produce a unit of heat by metabolism. The relevance of the results to ecosystems ...
In 1966 Hewlett and his first wife, Flora, established the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, which made bequests to numerous environmental, arts, educational, and social causes. In 1983 he was honored with the National Medal of Science, the highest scientific award in the United States. At...