PLOT: When a pregnant woman throws herself off a bridge, scientist Godwin Baxter spots an opportunity to conduct an unprecedented science experiment by transplanting the fetal brain into her mother’s body. The result is Bella, a woman with a grown-up physique and an infantile mind, who develo...
“From filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos and producer Emma Stone comes the incredible tale and fantastical evolution of Bella Baxter (Stone), a young woman brought back to life by the brilliant and unorthodox scientist Dr. Godwin Baxter (Willem Dafoe). Under Baxter’s prote...
It wouldn’t be impossible for Dafoe to come back as Green Goblin, or to even take on a new role as a new Marvel character (the latter has been done many times before). With the multiverse blown wide open, the possibility of new variants and new cameos are endless. We are deep in ...
There's a reason people still go wild in theaters almost 20 years later when Dafoe trots out the Easter egg-y line "You know, I'm something of a scientist myself." That evil grin, that nefarious cackle. This Goblin made such a huge mark in 2002 that his unlikely appearance in a 202...
‘stache. But based on a leak of Dafoe’s Funko Pop character toy from earlier this week, we have a better idea of how different his Vulko will be. The toy (viaScreen Rant) shows Dafoe’s scientist sporting a full head of long brown hair, no facial hair, and armor. However Dafoe ...
which reunited him with Anderson, andYorgos Lanthimos’s award-winningPoor Things. Dafoe was cast as a brilliant but sadistic scientist in the latter movie, which was inspired byFrankenstein. In 2024 he appeared in another Lanthimos film,Kinds of Kindness, a dark comedy about control and consent...