Who do you think will win the first-base job? -- Mike S., Ellettsville, Ind.Yankees general manager Brian Cashman has said that Luke Voit "has a leg up" on the job by virtue of his terrific second-half performance. Having watched Voit put on a batting-pr
The World Series between the New York Yankees and the Los Angeles Dodgers resumes tonight with a crucialpoliticalrecord on the line. The two teams havecombined to win nine fall classics in presidential election yearssince the first World Series in 1903. ...
"The Yankees and Major League Baseball maintain a zero-tolerance policy toward the type of behavior displayed last night. These fans will not be permitted to attend tonight's game in any capacity." The Yankees later announced that the ejected fans' tickets for Game 5 were to be redistributed ...
Spanky Yankees teach us that sometimes, the best safeword is “goodbye.” Lexi Lowe Is “Down On Abby” But Up for Anything Else March 7, 2016Gram the Man0 In which we have the opportunity to use the term “Meat Lorry.” Your Paper Towels Are Proudly Used on Porn Sets, Alyssa Milano...
Yankees (60-42, 1 1/2 games back) Juan Soto’s impending free agency has created some urgency for the Yankees, who havea number of issuesfor general manager Brian Cashmanto address in the next week. The bullpen is a clear need -- specifically a swing-and-miss arm or two -- but the...
Joyce Edwards tonight 🔥 • 19 points • 12 rebounds • 6/11 FGpic.twitter.com/xEEiJzdMm0 — Women’s Hoops Network (@WomensHoops_USA)October 16, 2024 While there was somedebate about how No. 1-ranked South Carolina would make upfor the loss of...
If the Yankees pull off a miracle tonight, you feel good that things even out with ace Gerrit Cole pitching the deciding 5th game but they are going to need a ton of offense to get there. I have no faith in Montgomery followed by Garcia, probably Holder, Green, Ottavino, Britton and ...
Born on June 25, 1887, George Abbott was a celebrated playwright, screenwriter and film director. Some of his most famous productions includeAll Quiet on the Western Front, Damn YankeesandA Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.Over the course of his career, he earned six Tony Awards...
Born on June 25, 1887, George Abbott was a celebrated playwright, screenwriter and film director. Some of his most famous productions includeAll Quiet on the Western Front, Damn YankeesandA Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.Over the course of his career, he earned six Tony Awards...
Born on June 25, 1887, George Abbott was a celebrated playwright, screenwriter and film director. Some of his most famous productions includeAll Quiet on the Western Front, Damn YankeesandA Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.Over the course of his career, he earned six Tony Awards...