Shrek is an ogre living in a swamp whose precious solitude is suddenly shattered by an invasion of annoying fairy tale characters, banished from their kingdom by the evil Lord Farquaad. Determined to save their home, not to mention his, Shrek cuts a deal with Farquaad to rescue Princess Fion...
This heartwarming French film follows a young girl named Mia who befriends a lion cub she calls Charlie after relocating to South Africa with her family. Over several years the two play, explore and grow up with one another until Mia discovers that her father has plans to sell ...
Movie Night: Get a Piece of the Action at VOX Cinemas This month’s not-to-be-missed film releases The greatest films to see at VOX Cinemas this October A dark thriller, a musical masterpiece and a real life story set in space – just three reasons why we’re dubbing ...
may you always be blessed with love, health, happiness and the ability to find the silver lining.As for me, I’m going to continue on my path toGrowGratitude– it can’t be bad…and who knows, maybe I’ll meet you there!
The Big Uneasy Movie Review Title: The Big Uneasy Director: Harry Shearer Special appearance by John Goodman, with the voice talents of Brad Pitt, Jennifer Coolidge, Wendell Pierce and Will Lyman If, as the saying goes, humor can be a great revealer of and conduit into hard, unspoken ...
A suburb of Cincinnati in the Mill Creek Valley,Wyomingbegan to grow after the completion of the Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Railroad in 1851. It is named after another Wyoming, but not the one you might think: The original village was reminiscent of a spot in Pennsylvania with ...
Scripted by Chris Viscardi and Will McRobb of Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Josh Klausner who wrote Shrek the Third, the film will follow “a pre-teen boy who has drifted apart from his father. The son is introduced into this world of Sodor, a place his father visited as a child but ...
a princess slated to be Farquaad's bride. The film's performance was in stark contrast to its rocky beginnings; animators who failed while working on another DreamWorks film,The Prince of Egypt, were sent to work onShrekas punishment. The film did end upearning a standing ovationat Cannes....
a princess slated to be Farquaad's bride. The film's performance was in stark contrast to its rocky beginnings; animators who failed while working on another DreamWorks film,The Prince of Egypt, were sent to work onShrekas punishment. The film did end upearning a standing ovationat Cannes....
“Obviously there was no real need for anotherGremlinsmovie, so I approached the sequel as irreverently as possible," revealed the director. “Which got me into a bit of trouble.” Gremlinsmoviethat would take place 30 years after the original. However, the plan changed in 2018 when director...