Based on Neil Gaiman's novella, Coraline follows Coraline Jones, a lonely young girl who, after moving to a new house with her inattentive parents, discovers a portal to another, more sinister alternate reality behind one of the house's many doors. Written and directed by Henry Selick, the...
Following last month's news that Laika are adding to their stop-motion slate with Susanne Clark adaptation Piranesi, this month sees the addition of another live-action film to the Oregon outfit's ever-expanding pipeline. Today, the studio behind Coraline, Kubo And The Two Strings, and the ...
Another great audio podcast for students in high school is called TED Talks. The main goal of the podcast is to inspire the imagination of students through having talks with influencers and thinkers. With so many topics being discussed regularly, there is no shortage of entertainment when student...
Coraline | Adopted We rescued Coraline down in Oxford about 2 months ago. She was the shelter there and we wanted to get her out of those conditions. My daughter lives in a small apartment and felt so guilty that Coraline could not run free in a yard and play. So I had her bring he...
Genuinely creepy, this stop motion-animated film based on Neil Gaiman's book tells the story of Coraline, a bored young girl who goes on an Alice in Wonderland-like adventure when she stumbles upon the door unto another world. What initially seems like paradise in comparison to her everyday...
Ghost Coraline Another adventurous anime character inspired Halloween makeup. Ghost veins, S-shaped eyebrow and skeleton body is the sinister world when the buttons sewed over the eyes. Mosaic Girl Like to try the decorative art in Halloween makeup. All you need is not Mosaic tiles but makeup...
featuring the voices ofHugh JackmanandZack Galifianakis, released by U.A. Releasing, and it was one of LAIKA’s biggest bombs, grossing just $16.6 million after a $6 million opening. For comparison, both LAIKA’sCoralineandThe Boxtrollsopened with more thanMissing Linkmade in total domestically...
Selling “terms” was another of his successful actions. But put a bib on before scrolling much further so you when you drool at the prices, it doesn’t get on your shirt or blouse. There is more about one of the most successful new marketing actions below the pictures, but take a ...
Samsung is pulling another Amazon on Android, but this is even bigger — As much as Google likes and touts that Android is open, that freedom may come with the cost of some control over the platform. Amazon may have started the first truly successful “fork” of Android, but Samsung is ...