I paralia(2023) Dimitris Tzimeas Actor Return to Normality(2022) Demie Hadji Actress (voice) Who Will Be Eaten(2020) Yoryis Partalidis Actor To avrio mas anikei(2021) Fatima Alhaaj Actress Who Will Be Eaten(2020) El Arabi Azdine ...
If you haven't heard of a giant water bug, you might be thinking of one of its many nicknames, including "toe-biters, Indian toe-biters, electric-light bugs, alligator ticks, or alligator fleas." These bugs call freshwater streams and ponds its home. They are also a popular snack in S...
The Titan beetle is an insect to be reckoned with: When cornered, it will make a hissing sound to ward off predators, and its jaw isstrong enough to penetrate human skinif necessary. This beetle is also so large that it cannot take off through wing power alone; it needs to first launch...