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#台词# The universe will expand, then it will collapse back on itself, and then it will expand again. It will repeat this process forever. 宇宙会膨胀,然后坍塌回原形,然后再膨胀,如此周而复始。——《K星异客》冻笔新诗懒写,寒炉美酒时温,醉看墨花月白,恍疑雪满前村。轮回般温暖,无问西东。
英语翻译The universe will expand,then it will collapse back on itself,and then it will expand again.It will repeat this process forever.What you don't know is that when the universe expands again,everthing will be as it is now.Whatever mistakes y
The findings, if supported by further observations, suggest the answer to the fundamental question about the fate of the universe: Will it go on expanding, as it has since its creation in a theorized Big ...
the universe"runs"properly because it has the same temperature ( )3. When we say the universe will continue to expand forever. Everything in the universe will be ripped apart, the theory is called A.the Big Rip B. the Big Freeze C. the Big Crunch D.the Big Bang ( )4. The meaning...
Dark energycauses it to expand faster and faster. This theory suggeststhat this expansion will continue forever. Finally, the speedof the expansion will become so great that everything in theuniverse wil be ripped apart.The Big Freeze(大冻结)As the universe expands, galaxies, stars and planets...
Reports on observations on a group of galaxies called the NGC 2300 and its implication to the expansion of the universe. Discovery of hot gases; Difference in analysis and conclusion by astronomers; Estimate of group's total mass; Insufficiency ...
The universe will expand, then it will collapse back on itself, and then it will expand again. It will repeat this process forever. 宇宙会膨胀, 然后坍塌回原形, 然后再膨胀, 如此周而复始。 ——《K星异客》 冻笔新诗懒写 寒炉美酒时温
the stars and the sea.“我的征途是星辰大海”🔖We all meet better ourselves.“我们终将遇见更好的自己”🔖Better be your own universe.“不如做自己的宇宙”🔖The longest day has an end.“最难过的日子也有尽头”🔖Live long and prosper.“生生不息,繁荣昌盛” 🔖And forever has no end....
The universe will expand,then it will collapse back on itself,and then it will expand again.It will repeat this process forever.What you don't know is that when the universe expands again,everthing will be as it is now.Whatever mistakes you make thins time around,you will live through on...