But Nagel slammed the media for their negativity on Europe's former economic powerhouse and stuck to the Bundesbank's view that the economy will recover once some of the factors holding it back, including weak demand from other European countries, fade. "The media seem to want...
The transition period has been painful, and the next few months might be quite volatile as well. However, I am in the camp that believes that Chinese stocks, including Alibaba, will eventually recover and go back up. While it might not provide much comfort to investors who have seen...
Even comparatively localised wars tend to be deeply damaging to the economies involved, though there are exceptions which I’ll come to. But world wars are on another scale entirely – hugely destructive events which take decades to recover from. If fought in the modern age, with its leth...
“Using a sports analogy, you want to skate where the puck is going, not where it’s already gone,” says Haiss. Ultimately, the relationship between a client and a financial adviser is primarily...
“Using a sports analogy, you want to skate where the puck is going, not where it’s already gone,” says Haiss. Ultimately, the relationship between a client and a financial adviser is primarily based ...
The country borrowed heavily from sovereign bond holders and also China as monetary instability during times of forex shortages rapidly ratcheting up foreign debt. Market access countries as the US tightens monetary policy and and the countries recover from a Coronavirus crisis and monetary pol...
($10.56 billion) for the 2024-dated BTP, and EUR10 billion for each of the 2029- and 2032-dated BTPs. The minimum final outstanding is the overall issuance volume a bond has to reach before it is replaced by a new benchmark. New bonds, in addition to the announced ones, could also...
Normally, central banks stimulate spending by lowering the real interest rate, nominal interest rate minus inflation. With inflation now close to zero or lower in many countries, because of lower overall demand, negative nominal rates are “needed” to make saving unattractive (so much fo...
I did this for a few years and truly believe in a reset, where the market is unstable like never seen before, they will wheel and deal to get out from under them (I picked up some very good property at great terms because they wanted out so bad). It is from this experience that ...
However, I’m aspiring to early retirement and might need to draw down the offset funds for bridging the gap until my pensions are accessible. My hope is that my ISA continues to grow (recover from the dip of last week) and I can either repay the mortgage with ISA funds or from pensio...