It would be nice to let your pooch have a piece of that chocolate birthday cake with the chocolate frosting, but you can't. Chocolate is toxic to dogs. There are a number of foods that will hurt your dog, and some may be surprising. Chocolate and Caffeine The darker the chocolate the ...
When I pass, (and I am putting it out there now to whomever is responsible for me,) slip my Old Timer in the coffin with me so that I can take it to dad on my last day on earth so we can celebrate the way we did, the last day of school. All part of growing up is, always...
45 minutes and no mileage signs pass and I finally cruise into a rest station and I’m stuffing my face with oreos and potato chips when I see the huge sign that says “13.1 miles left!” My heart sank. Not that much because I had a feeling I was being misled, but oh MAN it wou...
willpower 不应该被翻译为意志力,因为本书介绍的“意志力”方法十分符合人的情绪机制。基本上没有传统意义上那种卧薪尝胆,又或者悬梁刺股的体验。相反,我们中国传统意义上对意志力的定义显然不科学。我最喜欢的一个观点是:Accept yourself. Accept others. No one can be perfect.因为不能达到理想预期而去怪罪自己...
Guaranteed Sean Young bobblehead presented by Distillata Meet and greet with Sean Young presented by State & Federal Communications Autograph from Sean Young RubberDucks Hat All-You-Can-Eat Picnic (hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, mac & cheese, barbecue pulled chicken, chips, cookies, water, ...