I have not done anything. And over the past hundred thousand years, the holy grounds have shrunk to the point that I could occupy it in its entirety just by sitting in it,” Talos said. “It is… uncomfortable that the name of someone like myself is being used as the name of the n...
If You Live in Oklahoma TX NY NJ FL CA Get Out NOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_etRRy6Pvho FEMA BUYS DRONES FEMA PRISONS TARGETS THE 99% PERCENT AGAINST NEW WORLD ORDER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG9DpZWXZYs WHAT THIS MAN JUST LEAKED ABOUT BLACK LIVES...
I consider the prospects for future human landings on the Moon still in the realm of uncertainty, however at least they don't seem to be weakening. The inauguraton of sub orbital 'hop' journeys for paying passengers is even the day I type this bringing at least the beginnongs of space ...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his “stock market cycle has topped.” Look no further than the more than 400 point pounding on Monday for proof. Nenner says, “If we see a good close