My bookish childhood and my years as a military spouse have strengthened the already strong tendency I have to enjoy being alone. I didn’t realize how important that skill would be for me one day. Learning to be alone has been absolutely crucial to my survival this past year. I’m very...
You would only get to know this when you receive complaints that your child was not in school and was involved in this hubbub. But now, all of them come to school, and we, the parents, are also following up, so as a result, we see their punctuality when coming to school.”- Male...
you will receive benefits for every month that passed since you became eligible for SSDI. Social Security typically remits back pay in a lump sum disbursement. If you have a spouse or dependent children who are entitled to benefits based on your SSDI claim, they will also receive back pay. ...
(e.g., a developmental disability), a special needs trust can be used to enable the disabled person to receive public assistance without disqualifying him or her from receiving public assistance benefits like Medicaid, Medicare, Section 8 housing, SSI, prescription drug and/or other forms of ...
Gotrocks, hereby bequeath my vast fortune and all my earthly possessions to the one person who has been there for me day in and day out, rain or shine ... my mailman Jim." The family then demands answers and vows to contest the will of the crazy old man. Unfortunately, in real...