Common Name: Rockery Orchid Botanical Name: Pleione bulbocodioides Height: 3" USDA Zones: 8-10 Requirements & Benefits: Produces a single 3 inch orchid flower in early Spring, followed by a single 6 inch leaf; tough to grow, but very rewarding Common Name: Rodgersia Botanical Name: Rodg...
It is in one of Ben Jonson’s old plays: “When I once take the humor of a thing, I am like your tailor’s needle–I go through with it.” This is not different from Richelieu, who said: “When I have once taken a resolution, I go straight to my aim; I overthrow all, I cu...
After many years I decided it was time for a camera update. So I caught the bus up to Perth and scored myself a brand new Nixon Z5 camera and a 105mm macro lens to suit. This is quite a step up from my old Nikon D5500 in a couple of ways, firstly it has a full frame sensor...