ELLIMOOTTIL: It has been around for a long time. In fact, the Medicare program has reimbursed telehealth for about 20 years now. But take-up rates have been low. ELLIMOOTTIL: Up until March 2020, less than 1 percent of Medicare patients have ever used a telehealth service. Ellimoottil...
There are also store-and-forward and direct-to-consumer telehealth services. Store-and-forward services mean that the patient, for example, takes a photo of a problem area of skin, writes up some information about what’s happening and sends it to a dermatologist who looks at it when they...
Some ACA repeal plans call for the defunding of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). But value-based care was initially championed in earlier Republican administrations, and such efforts as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) and bundled payments have bipartisa...
According to the NHAMCS instructions, the self-pay category, “Includes visits for which the patient is expected to be ultimately responsible for most of the bill, not whether the patient actually pays the bill.” The distribution of wait times across triage assignments are shown in Fig. 1 of...