You’ll not want to smoke in, say, France, or Singapore. But there are loads of countries where marijuana has been legalized, decriminalized, or just socially mainstreamed enough that even if you are technically breaking the law a bit, no one will bother you abou...
1996: Proposition 215 takes first steps to legalize marijuana photolona // Shutterstock 1996: Proposition 215 takes first steps to legalize marijuana Marijuana began its long and continuing journey to legalization when California voters passed Proposition 215, allowing for the medical use of marijuana....
In the 10 years since Colorado and Washington voters became the first in the nation to approve recreational marijuana use, 16 other states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational cannabis. Thirty-seven states have legalized medical marijuana. ...
1996: Proposition 215 takes first steps to legalize marijuana photolona // Shutterstock 1996: Proposition 215 takes first steps to legalize marijuana Marijuana began its long and continuing journey to legalization when California voters passed Proposition 215, allowing for the medical use of marijuana....
Colorado Will Bring In More Than $100 Million In Marijuana Tax Revenues This YearRobin Respaut
When California legalized recreational marijuana in 2018, legal sales (which had been strictly medical until then) actually declined. That’s because the state instituted strict regulations for the production, processing, distribution and sale of cannabis and cannabis products like edibles and concentrate...