Maybe money is driving the delay. The federal government is likely searching for a way to profit from the legalization. Much like cigarettes and arguably-more-dangerous alcohol, the federal government will heavily regulate and tax marijuana when it is event...
Maybe money is driving the delay. The federal government is likely searching for a way to profit from the legalization. Much like cigarettes and arguably-more-dangerous alcohol, the federal government will heavily regulate and tax marijuana when it is event...
Watch:Leg Presses or Squats? | Men’s Health Muscle Anderson Cooper Is Making Grief Less Lonely Gifts for Guys Under $50 That He'll Love This Ice Bath Exec Stays Cool Under Pressure How to Beat Money Stress—Without Getting a Raise ...
Marijuana has been legalized to varying degrees in 35 states, but since sale, distribution, and possession remain illegal federally, U.S. banks face risks in doing business with the cannabis industry. According to the American Bankers Association, any money that can be traced back to a marijuan...
Marijuana began its long and continuing journey to legalization when California voters passed Proposition 215, allowing for the medical use of marijuana. Since this ruling, 32 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico have made moves to enact similar legislation and approval for comprehensive public...
Still, this is just a hope and it’s based on the fact that positive news on the matter has been the biggest catalyst for marijuana stocks so far. Nevertheless, with 2023 around the corner, there is still a lot of work to be done to keep the cannabis industry on the right track. ...
If you’ve been to one of thesedispensariesyou more than likely had to pay in cash or grab some cash from an ATM beforehand. Because marijuana is still federally illegal, banks and credit card companies will typicallynot be able to process paymentsof this nature. ...
1996: Proposition 215 takes first steps to legalize marijuana Marijuana began its long and continuing journey to legalization when California voters passed Proposition 215, allowing for the medical use of marijuana. Since this ruling, 32 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico have made moves to...
while on your lunch break, according to the laws. Marijuana is also still illegal on a federal level, so federal and state laws still remain in effect for some employees, such as police officers. Some leaders, such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have pushed to federally legalize ...
Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker announced the decision one week after the general election. By an overwhelming margin, Missourians cast their ballot in favor of a constitutional amendment legalizing medical marijuana. Cannabis remains illegal federally. ...